Saturday, February 15, 2014

Wow, I suck

No other way to put it. I just suck. Since I last posted, I've gone back to work full-time, gone back to grad school, Brody turned 1, we vacayed in OBX, had Thanksgiving and Christmas, and well, life has just gone on and I've sucked about documenting it. Which sucks because we've done some pretty great stuff. 

So rather than post about each of those things separately (although I'll try to do a Dear Brody, for 11 and 12 months but who knows how good they'll be) I'm going to try to combine some things here. So bear with me, this will be long and picture filled. 

Right after Brody turned 11 months we went on our yearly trip to OBX. We had a large crowd this year with family and extended family. It was a blast. Brody was just starting to walk at that point and he was into everything. 

And drinking heavily...I'm scared of what the future holds for this one ;)

It was a great trip. 

Then Brody turned 1. Oh boy. By then he was walking like crazy. Everywhere, falling over, getting bruises etc but he was moving and he loved it. We did a fall themed bday party for him with a mini pumpkin patch, pumpkin painting and a campfire cake. The kids played in the bounce house and ran around the yard. It was a great day. 

We did our usual fall things. Pumpkin patch, pumpkin carving, decorating for Halloween, trick or treating. Brenna and Brody were Jasmine and Rajah for Halloween. From Aladdin. Neither has ever seen the movie. But lil miss liked the costume so that's what we did. Brody was sick with a 103* fever on Halloween so he didn't do any trick or treating. I carried him around for a bit then took him home for a bath and put him to bed. Poor kid. Brenna on the other hand had a great time Trick or treating with her neighbor friends. 

Thanksgiving came and went quickly. We enjoyed a very filling dinner with the in laws and then went to my family's house for dessert. Then my parents came to our house to watch the Ravens-Steelers game that night when the kids went to bed. 

Christmas was awesome. Busy but awesome. Brenna was at such a great age for it. She was so excited about everything from lights to Santa Claus. We took the kids to Christmastown in Williamsburg the weekend before Christmas. They loved it. And I would recommend it to everyone. We had dinner with Santa one night, explored Colonial Williamsburg and checked out all the lights. I also got two pictures of Brody with Santa solo because some other child who shall remain nameless was scared of him. Oh well. But all in all it was a wonderful trip and a fantastic Christmas season. 

At our church breakfast with Santa. They're just thrilled. 

I was obsessed with the whole retro town in Busch Gardens and especially these lights. Nostalgia

So I think that catches us up on the big stuff that's gone on over the last several months. Hopefully I can actually be better about posting again. Especially the stuff about the kids since that was the whole point of this blog. Until next time....

Monday, July 29, 2013

Dear Brody, 10 months...

Dear Brody,  

I feel like I just wrote your 9 month letter and here we are at 10 months.  Probably because I was way late writing your 9 month post but oh well. 

You were 10 months yesterday.  Double digits now.  Wow.  2 more months and you'll be a toddler. I can't believe how fast it's going. You're such a big boy now. You're pulling up on everything and trying to walk. I think you're going to be walking very soon. Probably within the next few weeks.  You are a daredevil. You pull yourself up on things and let go and just stand there. It's adorable. 

You smile at everyone! All the time. You are literally the smiliest baby I've ever seen. You can say Dada. But you won't do it on cue.  You just started saying Pop pop which is adorable.  You only say Mama when you get hurt or are crying. You can do the "how big is Brody? Sooooo big!" game. You can wave and clap too.  When Daddy gets home at the end of the day you sit on the floor and smile so big at him and then clap your hands. He loves how excited you are to see him.  

When I get you out of your crib in the morning I after nap time you always have a big smile on your face. It's so sweet. You sleep really well these days. You try to get up super early some mornings but its not all the time so it's ok. It's already time to start planning your first birthday party. It's crazy how fast that got here. I'm savoring these last two months of infancy since after you are a toddler, that part of my life is over. It makes me sad but happy at the same time for all that's still to come. I love you baby boy! To the moon and back!


Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hi ho, hi ho, It's back to work I go...

...and I am excited, nervous and sad.  I am going to miss seeing these two precious faces all day everyday.  

So, as a lot of you know, I taught 8th grade social studies for several years before having Brenna.  When Brenna was born, I only went back to work part-time so I could spend more time with her.  At the end of the 2012 school year, I was about 20 weeks pregnant with Brody and decided that, rather than take maternity leave at the beginning of the school year, i'd take a leave of absence.  My school system allows for up to two years of leave for childbirth and care of an infant.  I always knew in the back of my mind that it wasn't going to be forever, even though I hoped it could be.  And to be honest, if I want to have my career after my kids my go to school (which I do), I kind of need to go back.  I need to keep my certificate current and I need to work on my masters.  I can only do those things if I am working.

So an opportunity arose a few weeks ago at my old school.  A position teaching 6th grade social studies, in a familiar setting, close to home.  When I looked into daycare, I quickly realized I couldn't afford to send two kids to daycare and actually bring home any of my salary.  So that was out.  Until...I was nonchalantly talking to my neighbor about the opportunity and the cost of daycare (she has two little girls herself, close in age to my kids) and she said "Well i'd watch your kids for half of what a daycare would charge".  SOLD. They'll be with someone they know, kids their own age, and right next door to our house or even at our house some days.  It seemed like the stars were aligning for me to get this position.  So I emailed my old principal, applied, interviewed and was offered the position this week.  It's bittersweet.  I am seriously going to miss these kids so much.  But I keep telling myself "teaching is conducive to having a family.  You get lots of breaks and the kids will be happy to see you when you come home everyday".  Rinse and repeat often.  And of course there's the added bonus of a paycheck and adult conversation during the day.  So while I am positive I will spend the first week driving to school crying my eyes out (remember, I haven't worked full-time in 3 years), I know my kids will be in good hands, having fun and I am doing what's best for all of us right now.  Wish me luck, I have exactly 1 month until I go back.

Of course I can't end this without more pics of the here ya go!

How cute is my family?