Dear Brody,
You are 5 months old today. I can't believe it. And I'll probably say that each and every month as you grow. We have some semblance of a schedule at this point, although we are still working out the kinks.
You like to get up between 6-6:30 and Mommy likes to try to make you go back to sleep until at least 7. You usually win.
You are starting to eat more and more solids. Last night you polished off a whole container of carrots and were still looking for more. You did the same with pears this morning. I think you are trying to catch up since you started out so small. You are certainly getting heavy.
You have a serious aversion to sleep. You hate to nap for more than 20 minutes at a time. Not cool. But we battled today and Mommy won. You slept for two hours (with only two pacifier retrievals). You still wake up at least once a night, but not to eat, only to see Mommy and get your paci back. Silly boy.
And speaking of paci's, you are just like you sister in that you only like the soothie paci's. The green ones that they have at the hospital. I managed to find another type of paci that has the same nipple that comes in containers of 6 (b/c you can never have enough paci's) in hopes that we could trick you into that kind. The jury is still out on those.
You are chewing on your hands like crazy lately, which makes me think you are getting close to getting a tooth.
You are still a carbon copy of your Daddy.
You love to jump in your jumper and you adore your sister. And she adores you. She's the only one who can ALWAYS get a smile out of you. I hope you two are always close and always support each other.
We love you so much! And though you may test our patience often, we couldn't imagine our lives without you. Happy 5 months!
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