Dear Brody,
Baby boy, I cannot even begin to express how in love I am with you. You are the sweetest baby. You are getting so big now. You were 21 lbs and 28.25 inches at your doctor appointment. Still around the 50th percentile for everything. Which is quite a change from the off the charts numbers we always got for your sister. I love it because you still look like a baby even though your are hurdling at light speed towards toddlerhood. Daddy wants you to hurry up and get taller. He thinks you're going to be short, but I doubt it.
You are different from your sister in every way. Most notably, you sir, are fearless. You are not in the least cautious. You have already started to try to walk. And you can't wait to do it on your own. You have taken about 7 steps on your own.
You started crawling last month and now you are pulling up on everything. You are also starting to eat table food. You've had ravioli, chicken nuggets, apples, carrots and spaghetti. You were skeptical at first it now you really like it. You LOVE snacks. Like goldfish, puffs, yogurt melts, and mum-mums. You have 1 tooth. It's just starting to pop through. You finally sleep well. You go to bed at 7pm and sleep until 7am. It's glorious.
You actually tried to say Brenna today. At least that's what we're telling ourselves. You can say da-da too but you won't say it on command yet. You are a total flirt. You LOVE flirting with the girls. You are such a cutie pie with your big blue eyes and blonde hair. You're going to be a serious heartbreaker. You still look like a miniature version of your Dad. But you have my blue eyes.
I love you so much big boy! I wish you would slow down a little bit. I'm not ready for you to be a toddler.
That is the best and cutest idea writing these letters to your kids I'm sure they will cherish them when they're older and all the time you took off to spend with them.