Monday, April 29, 2013

Dear Brody, 7 months...

Dear Brody,

You turned 7 months old yesterday.  And as always, I am in shock that another month has passed and you are getting so much bigger.  I had a realization while planning your sister's birthday party the other day, that once her party is over, it'll be time to start planning your 1st birthday.  That is crazy to me.  You were just born, how can I already be thinking of planning your 1st birthday?  But here we are.  I should know by now how fast time flys when you have a baby, but it seems like your first year is going by way faster than your sister's did.  Anyway, here is what you have been up to.

  • You continue to tease us with your sleeping habits.  For instance, last night you slept through the night beautifully.  (Meaning, I only had to go in once and give you your paci at around 8pm b/c your sister woke you up while screaming in the bathtub, but thats not your fault).  However, the past week or so, you have been waking up and talking to yourself between midnight-2am.  It has been exhausting considering nothing puts you back to sleep until you wear yourself out again.  So, we'll see how tonight goes, but I don't think we have turned the corner yet. 
  •  You can roll over back to stomach and stomach to back.  
  • You can push yourself up with your little hiney up in the air. 
  • You sleep on your tummy now.
  • You refuse to sit up because you'd rather stand.  This is exhausting for Mommy and Daddy because we have to hold you up.  Although, we know you can sit, you are capable of it and do it here and there, but its not consistent.  
  • You LOVE to jump.  Especially on the bed with your sister.  You squeal and laugh like crazy when we do that.
  • You have no teeth yet.
  • Your reflux may finally be gone.  I forgot to give you your meds this morning and you were fine.
  • Daddy weighed you the other day on our home scale and you were 18.6lbs.  
  • You smile constantly. At everyone. All the time.  Everyone loves it.
  • You love other people, and you let other people hold you, which is something your sister didn't do until she was like 18 months old.  Needless to say, that makes your Aunties and your Grammy, Poppop and Grandad very happy. 
  • You fell asleep in my arms yesterday for the first time in a long time.  It was heavenly.  And while I had to put you down because I knew you wouldn't stay that way long, it was so sweet while it lasted.   

This has turned into a long post, buddy.  So i'll end it here.  As always, you are a joy and even when you are grumpy, I love you so so so much.  You are such a sweet little boy.  And thank you for being such an angel on our stroller jogs so Mommy can work out!  You are my sweetie pie.  I love you!!


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